
Physical Constants

maxima maxima_physical-constants

    A physical constant is represented as a symbol which has a property which is the constant value.
    %c speed of light in vacuum
    %mu_0 magnetic constant
    %e_0 electric constant
    %Z_0 characteristic impedance of vacuum 
    %G Newtonian constant of gravitation
    %h Planck constant 
    %h_bar Planck constant
    %m_P Planck mass
    %t_P Planck time 
    %%e elementary charge
    %Phi_0 magnetic flux quantum
    %G_0 conductance quantum
    %K_J Josephson constant
    %R_K von Klitzing constant
    %mu_B Bohr magneton
    %mu_N nuclear magneton
    %alpha fine-structure constant
    %R_inf Rydberg constant
    %a_0 Bohr radius 
    %E_h Hartree energy 
    %ratio_h_me quantum of circulation 
    %m_e electron mass 
    %N_A Avogadro constant 
    %m_u atomic mass constant 
    %F Faraday constant 
    %R molar gas constant 
    %%k Boltzmann constant 
    %V_m molar volume of ideal gas 
    %n_0 Loschmidt constant 
    %ratio_S0_R Sackur-Tetrode constant (absolute entropy constant) 
    %sigma Stefan-Boltzmann constant 
    %c_1 first radiation constant 
    %c_1L first radiation constant for spectral radiance 
    %c_2 second radiation constant 
    %b Wien displacement law constant 
    %b_prime Wien displacement law constant 
    The function constvalue fetches the constant value.

maxima maxima_physical-constants